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can you post a windows download version?

Sure! I just set it up, lemme know if you have any issues. Please note that since this is the game jam version, it still doesn't have some stuff like fullscreen/options/settings, etc, but it's playable.

will you be expanding on it?

Please post-jam this. Great concept, I loved the mild puzzle-ness of targeting particular enemies for the right powerup before they could be harnessed at once. Also, did I just miss the computer message saying that the ball could be super-jumped out of? I found that by accident.

Solid lore, and I could totally see this being expanded with more powerups and enemy types.

Thanks for playing! The super-jump thing isn't explained at all, I thought every player would end up experiencing it by accident and left it at that (I can definitely see how it may cause confusion tho).

Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the lore! I've been a fan of this kind of genre for such a long time, and there are lots of ideas I would like to expand on.

Really nice game, wish it was longer though :-)


Thank you! Yeah, it's a smol game

Maybe I could make a post game jam version if people are interested, though :)